Biblical Christian Worldview

Secular vs. Traditional Church - Who is Brave and Who is Foolishisode

Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 229

"Let us know what you think."

Our nation is polarized on many levels. One aspect can be found within the Christian church. The continued deterioration in attendance (see post) over the past 30 years has, as we all know, leaped in its impact following the pandemic. As church leaders see both a financial and spiritual crisis looming, many have chosen polar opposite approaches as a solution. On one side are the pastors attempting to placate their congregations by becoming inclusive, watering down, ignoring, or downright rejecting Biblical theology on controversial subjects such as sin, Hell, abortion, marriage, and homosexuality. On the other side of the spectrum are those leaders who hold fast to Biblical Christian traditional theology from the pulpit. Many suggest this latter group is either brave or foolish for this stubborn determination to preach and teach God's truth. I would respectfully offer an opposite counterpoint to that position. 

However, there are those who sincerely believe the Bible speaks differently to them in these controversial areas and, as such, with good conscience, accept and teach theology that is non-traditional. In the end, on the other side of the grave, we will all find perfect truth. What is infinitely more important than one's decision on controversial topics... is salvation. If we have a personal relationship with Christ and are born-again, there will be ample opportunity to discuss secondary theological issues with the One who wrote them. 

Regardless of your theology in all the hot-button topics of the day... pastors and church leaders... preach and teach in a way your flock finds Heaven. All the rest is secondary.

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