Biblical Christian Worldview
Media Missionaries where Christianity and Culture collide. Providing honest reporting and analysis on the intersection of contemporary issues and theology, based on a Biblical Christian Worldview. We report regularly on a broad range of contemporary topics in the areas of ethics, false theology, family, technology, megatrends, politics, freedoms, law, church, and eschatology. Our podcast and website (BCWorldview.org) are intended to strengthen the systematic theology of Biblical Christian underpinnings. Thank you for taking the time to listen.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Biblical Christian Worldview
Life Begins BEFORE Conception - Pro-Lifers Have it all Wrong
A reader and long-time friend sent me a well-thought-out article recently written by an attorney who challenged the validity of the pro-life mantra “Live Begins at Conception”.
When God speaks about His creation of human life, there is no suggestion in the Bible that the sperm and/or the egg are sacred. It is only at the point they merge and form a zygote that everything necessary for a human baby is contained in a single entity.