Biblical Christian Worldview

Christian Focus Can Be Out of Balance Toward God

Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 206

"Let us know what you think."

There is a tension between what the Bible says, what we think the Bible says, and what we think God should say to us as a race of people trying to get through life. We naturally tend to cling to sources of knowledge about who God is that fit who we want Him to be. In doing so believers can get out of balance in their spiritual walk, focusing on sources of information that may ultimately be contrary to Scripture. 


There is a balance in seeking God in multiple ways. However, mankind, as a race of people on a pendulum of spirituality, typically falls out of balance by focusing on “feelings”, which include circumstances, prayer, and the opinion of other Christians (the Church). Without the Bible as a foundation, these other sources of knowledge can easily misalign with an evolving cultural morality, rather than on the unchanging Word of God. There is no question we, as sinners, trying to understand the teachings of an all-powerful sinless Creator, can misinterpret His written Word. In fact, Christian denominational differences are founded on varying understandings of God’s commands and competing emphases.  Prayerful theology founded on the Bible remains superior to other valid forms for spiritual enrichment. The danger of rejecting God’s Word culminates in turning away from the church (founded on His Word), the fellowship of other Biblical Christian believers, and reliance on “feelings” (that come from circumstances and even prayer) which can also emanate from dubious sources.

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