Biblical Christian Worldview

Is Church Worth the Hassle 

Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 204

"Let us know what you think."

Let me begin by saying that I am a strong advocate of “church” attendance. I believe we do not have, on our own, enough body parts to function as a church, for ourselves, or our families. I use the term “body parts” as a reference to 1 Cor. 12:12-31 where Paul is pointing out that the church is made up of many members and each one has a synergistic value in supporting the whole. We need to be in fellowship with like-minded believers for accountability, encouragement, and training. I believe the church is, in fact, worth the hassle. 

The pandemic we have just lived through offers an excellent experiment in sanctification for the believer. Ask yourself the question, am I, and is my family, closer to God after spending over a year isolated from other Christians in active, regular attendance in chu

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