Biblical Christian Worldview

Does Satan Know Your Name

Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 146

"Let us know what you think."

The book of Job, in the Old Testament, is interesting because it exposes the reader to a rare view of the supernatural realm, by offering detailed conversations between God and Satan. Since the Bible is an instruction manual for life, these discussions are unknown to Job, yet have significant consequences on his life and those of his family. For us, it offers a perspective on the question, does Satan know our name as well?


We live in a world that is drifting toward the abyss. Many of us are lemmings, totally unaware and unaccepting of the reality of our condition (2 Peter 3:3-4). So many folks these days are like the frog in the pot, unwilling or unable to see the moral decay that is undermining our nation (1 Thes. 5:3-4). As Biblical Christians, we need to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). Satan does need to know our name and we need to have the courage and conviction to accept the reality of what that may mean (2 Tim. 3:12, Matt. 5:10, 1 Peter4:12-14, John 15:18, 2 Cor. 12:10, Luke 6:22).

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