Biblical Christian Worldview

What Are You Thinking About During the Sermon?

Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 141

"Let us know what you think."

Attending a Biblical Christian Church

If you regularly attend a church that supports a Biblical Christian worldview, you are truly blessed, but in the minority. It’s likely that you are among those who will hear a sermon preached from the Scriptures every Sunday that is intended to both teach and challenge all toward a closer relationship with God, through Christ. 

How do we move up the scale from “lost and not listening” to “lost in what is being taught”?

The simple answer is a discipline of private prayer and Bible study OUTSIDE of Sunday morning. Do you think the super-Christians do anything more spiritual than that? It’s not serving on the finance committee. It’s not helping the disadvantaged with meals-on-wheels. It’s not giving more money to the needy. Spending alone time with God during the other six days of the week will move you up in your personal relationship with an almighty God. It truly is that simple. It is hidden so you will not get any pats on the back for doing it. But… try it for a month, one month out of the rest of your life, and see if the results are worth the extra effort. 

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