Biblical Christian Worldview

American Bible Society Survey – Can’t Be True

Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 137

"Let us know what you think."

According to the news articles linked below, the 2021 American Bible Society ‘State of the Bible Report’ was quoted as indicating that:


I am a traditional Biblical Christian and I would love to believe this is true. It was reported as such in the Baptist Press, the Biblical Recorder, the Baptist Messenger, and Sharper Iron, among other “news” sources. Further stating,

“Biblical inerrancy is professed by 55 percent of Americans, with even a greater portion of those surveyed, 71 percent, confessing that Scripture is the Word of God.”

The study surveyed 3,354 adults across the country through an online survey between Jan. 4-29, and also incorporated additional results from a relatively small group of youths ages 15-17.

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