Biblical Christian Worldview

Is the Term – “Pro-LIFE” – Correct ?

October 01, 2022 Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 134

"Let us know what you think."

There is, of course, a raging controversy in America sparked by the Supreme Court decision regarding the return of states’ rights in the area of abortion. It will be one of the many major watershed issues in the 2022 elections later this year and, perhaps, remain a point of separation in 2024 as well.

At the very least, Biblical Christians need to recognize that the term “Life” in the context of the womb takes on very different meanings when viewed from a pro-life vs. pro-choice mindset. No one will argue that technical “life” begins at conception. The question is, is that life “humanity” at that instant? To the Biblical Christian, I believe the answer is yes. To other pro-life advocates, Christian or not, I think that answer is much less clear. As a culture and a nation, we all need to recognize that. Regardless of our personal views, we need to find a middle ground. For the Biblical Christian, we need to remember that our citizenship is in Heaven (Phil. 3:20), not on this earth, and we are called to live peacefully (1 Thes. 4:11) and respect the laws of our nation (Romans 13:1). However, that does not mean we are to hide our personal beliefs when called upon to confirm our pro-life position at whatever place God calls each of us to stand. 

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