I recently published a short-form post playing on the words “woke” and “wake” with a desire to open minds beyond the human challenges we face here on earth. To look beyond the natural, which has a clear endpoint at death, toward the supernatural, which is eternal.
My play on words (woke and wake) was intended to speak more to the importance of a relationship with God (being awake) than a myopic focus on climate change among other more earthly matters (woke). In that sense, the comment my responder made was very much on track when he suggested my focus was not “down here in the real world", since there truly is more eternal significance in conducting our lives in view of the "New Earth" to come (Rev. 21:1). I would contend that being “in touch with reality” has more to do with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in the supernatural realm than it does with the challenges we face in the natural realm.
I recently published a short-form post playing on the words “woke” and “wake” with a desire to open minds beyond the human challenges we face here on earth. To look beyond the natural, which has a clear endpoint at death, toward the supernatural, which is eternal.
My play on words (woke and wake) was intended to speak more to the importance of a relationship with God (being awake) than a myopic focus on climate change among other more earthly matters (woke). In that sense, the comment my responder made was very much on track when he suggested my focus was not “down here in the real world", since there truly is more eternal significance in conducting our lives in view of the "New Earth" to come (Rev. 21:1). I would contend that being “in touch with reality” has more to do with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in the supernatural realm than it does with the challenges we face in the natural realm.