Biblical Christian Worldview

Climate Change, China and America from a Biblical Christian Perspective

May 03, 2023 Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 216
Climate Change, China and America from a Biblical Christian Perspective
Biblical Christian Worldview
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Biblical Christian Worldview
Climate Change, China and America from a Biblical Christian Perspective
May 03, 2023 Season 3 Episode 216
Jeff Hilles

"Let us know what you think."

To be clear, I believe mankind continues to make choices that impact our climate in a negative way. One can argue that there are cyclical trends throughout the history of the planet. However, enough research has been done that, in my opinion, we are well past the point where Christians can no longer ignore the impact of global industrialization on our continuing deterioration. Too many Christians have been resistant and believe, in the face of mounting evidence, that it is heretical to side with environmentalists on this reality. There is so much evidence on the continuing destructive nature of climate change that I am not going to take the time to list sources. If one digs deep enough we can always find those who believe the fringes of any topic, including climate change. The truth is that our planet is getting warmer and the footprint of man is having an impact.

As Biblical Christians, we need to recognize that time is short (Matt 24:32-33). It is always short, whether it be in the life of an individual, or in the life of a planet that will eventually be burned up in preparation for a New Heaven on a New Earth (2 Peter 3:13). Our ability to share the gospel is becoming more and more unacceptable outside the walls of the church. Even if all this is merely a cycle that will eventually reverse itself or science will come to the rescue on climate change, we need to be focused on loving our neighbor (Luke 10:27) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20). 

Show Notes

"Let us know what you think."

To be clear, I believe mankind continues to make choices that impact our climate in a negative way. One can argue that there are cyclical trends throughout the history of the planet. However, enough research has been done that, in my opinion, we are well past the point where Christians can no longer ignore the impact of global industrialization on our continuing deterioration. Too many Christians have been resistant and believe, in the face of mounting evidence, that it is heretical to side with environmentalists on this reality. There is so much evidence on the continuing destructive nature of climate change that I am not going to take the time to list sources. If one digs deep enough we can always find those who believe the fringes of any topic, including climate change. The truth is that our planet is getting warmer and the footprint of man is having an impact.

As Biblical Christians, we need to recognize that time is short (Matt 24:32-33). It is always short, whether it be in the life of an individual, or in the life of a planet that will eventually be burned up in preparation for a New Heaven on a New Earth (2 Peter 3:13). Our ability to share the gospel is becoming more and more unacceptable outside the walls of the church. Even if all this is merely a cycle that will eventually reverse itself or science will come to the rescue on climate change, we need to be focused on loving our neighbor (Luke 10:27) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).